Sunday, October 16, 2011

Life Updates

Well, folks! We're half way through first semester of my sophomore year. I have now been 20 for a little over a month and have written more poetry this semester than I ever thought possible (thank you ENGL 235).
If I thought freshman year was an adjustment, I had no clue what was coming for me with sophomore year. Yes, I knew what to expect more from classes. Yes, I knew more people coming in. Yes, I knew where to eat, where not to. Yes, I knew how to find my classes without using the wginormous map. But, the fresh taste of college has now died out, and all that is left is the busyness of life that leaves an after taste strangely similar to the real world. Taking 17 hours and being involved in 3 organizations seemed feasible at the beginning and now come to realize is quite a lot and completely and utterly stressful. Less. Is. More.
I have been learning how to balance friends I live with, with friends I don't live with, to school, and my organizations. It's a struggle to see my friends I don't live with, truly. But if I have to force myself that much to hang out with my best friends, how much more do I need to be making an effort to spend time with my Creator? It has also been one of dullness, I feel like. I'm yearning and missing for different times, more exciting times, but I am always reminding myself: happiness or holiness, which one do I want?

This semester has been one of a dry seasons. It has been one of learning, but not quite sure what I am learning. One of listening and waiting and doubting in between. It has been one of questioning and jumping with uncertainty of where I will land.
In the midst of all these uncertainties and this dry season, I am constantly finding my joy, fulfillment, my satisfaction in the one thing that can and will always sustain me: My Savior, My God, My Lover, My Sustainer, My Father, My Best Friend. He will always be, even in my dry and rough patchy seasons.

But the biggest change of all is where I will be living next semester. Drum roll please.........
Yep. I am studying abroad for 5 months. So now I am not trying to count down the days, but value my time here and live in the present and not the future. That's easier said then done with a foreign country is waiting for you in 2 and half months. So this is mostly my life update I guess.
-learning to be patient with God
-learning to balance time
-learning what it looks like (even more than ever before) what it means to put Him as a priority

Sorry for the lack of skilled writing and thought provoking subjects. This one is simply an update. Once I start traveling, this might be transformed into a travel blog more so. :) We shall have to wait and see.
Tata for now!
Madi Mae

p.s. check out my newest obsession.