Monday, April 18, 2011

God's Glory Found in Language

purify--> remove contamination from

Pure--> not mixed or adulterated with any other substance/material

Purity--> freedom from contamination/adulteration

To be pure is not a one time thing, it is not something we are. Not one of these things says that, "once you've messed up...sorry." They are all referring to a separation or removal of contamination.

Purify--> our salvation as believers through Christ and the cross and His resurrection. By His death, He took upon Himself my sins and your sins, taking them to the grave and conquering death by His resurrection. This "removed contamination from" us. That does not mean that we are perfect, but when God the Father looks at us, He does not see our sin, but sees our purify selves through Christ's death.

Pure--> it is present tense, here-now. "Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure."

(Philippians 2:12-13 ESV)

Justification (the act of being made pure in the sight of God through Christ's death/resurrection) is a one time thing. This is when our new life begins, but does not stop there. That is where sanctification comes into play. Sanctification is a continually, slow process of becoming more and more in the image of Christ. It never stops, but it is continually, moment by moment surrendering to God and walking in the Spirit so that we may "not be mixed... with any other substance" because He should be our soul's sole love and desire.

Purity--> freedom from contamination. This is ongoing. Freedom. The chains of sin have been broken! This is a cause, an occasion for rejoicing!! For believers in Christ, we are free. We are not free on our own, but free through Christ, His blood, His wounds, His glorious resurrection.

This is all very random and short for my usual post, I know, but I was reading from 2 Cor 6 this morning and just started looking deeper into purity and thought this was pretty cool. I mean, God has interwoven even the definition of words and all the different languages of the world to point back to Him. That's just stickin' awesome.

Tis all! Have a great Monday, friends and rejoice in your freedom through Christ today!

p.s. sorry if there are a lot of mistakes in grammar, ect. I may or may notttt have written this during class.

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